Monday, June 2, 2008

Diagnosis: News Fatigue

It is Monday morning and I'm reading the headlines on all my news channels and I have finally found a diagnosis that fits me: "News Fatigue." Of course, the articles I've read have not really given a great definition of what "news fatigue" is but it feels right. I mean, I read headlines, click on the article, scan it for interest and go to another and another until I am full of useless information and can not for the life of me, recall what led me to look at the news page in the first place.

Of course, the last similar new disorder I can recall is "attention deficit disorder" so maybe "news fatigue" is like that but more focused on being bombarded by facts and bits of news that do not contribute at all, in any way, to my quality of life.

I would like to think this is a side effect to my career as a recruiter since we pick up tidbits of info and trivia from every conversation we have throughout the day. Perhaps I could receive hazardous pay? Whoops. Forgot. Self-employed so probably not.

At least now, when I lose my train of thought, I can say, "Oh, its just my NF acting up." I think I'll got take a couple of aspirin and see what is happening on Fox.

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