Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Future of the Resume

I just got back from an interesting talk given by my friend and web developer, Dave Barger at LunaWeb about the importance of social networking sites to the business community.

As we all know, the web has taken off in directions many of us could not have imagined five years ago and from what Dave shared today, there is no end to the connectivity in sight.

Back in the fall I went to a conference that talked about the end of the resume as we know it. Most of us forty somethings gasped and thought, how could it be. But folks in the audience were discussing it again today and this afternoon, ERE had an article by Kevin Wheeler called "Web 2.0 Recruiting is Here" that gave an interesting yet ominous scenario on how different our business may look like in the next five years.

Suddenly the concept of Facebook profiles as resumes doesn't seem that odd and the idea of the "digital portfolio" that college kids have been using for sometime on Blackboard could become the norm for all of us. Get out your video camera and your microphone, future resumes are going to take full advantage of multi-media.

On that note, I'd love to hear from any of you out there already taking advantages of the digital portfolio format.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Whitney,

Thanks for the mention here! We gave another presentation on Social Networking last night. In the subsequent discussion, it was mentioned that employers are now more commonly seeking the candidates profile on the popular social networks and other public record type searches as well.

That being in addition to your resume, there are traditional background checks, public records, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

One tip there was, if you leave one social network site and move to another, go delete that old profile and don't just abandon it.

What an evolving multimedia world we're in. Saying "cheese"!